Academic Scholarship
(Active links as of August 7, 2005, appear in green.)

current projects
"The ADHD Controversy: Toward a Dramatistic Understanding," paper in progress (2003-2005)
"The Synecdochic Fallacy Revisited, writing in progress (2003-2005) PDF abstract available
"Music as Communication: A Research Guide and Blibliography" [ongoing project]

recent (2005)
2005: "Sensory Integration Issues and Related Conditions: Can Media Ecology Help?"
2005: "Kenneth Burke's Dramatism and Media Ecology"

family, health, healing, and children
2004: "Paradigm Shift: Health and Healing (Part 1: Why Do We Drug So Many Children?)" abstract and bibliography available
2004: "The Synecdochic Fallacy Revisited (2004): A Case Study of What Causes Men's Violence Against Women?" abstract and available

communication and rhetoric in a mass-technological society
1989: "Teaching Rhetoric in a Mass/Technological Society"
1986: "Diffusion of Responsibility: Ethos and the Technologized Rhetor" PDF available
1984: "Sociosuasion and TechnoCiceronianism"
1984: "Toward a 'New and Improved' Rhetoric in a Technological Age"
1984(?): "Rhetorical Analysis of Science and Technology in Public Discussion: A Review and Call for Collaborative Research" [unsubmitted/unpublished draft] PDF available
1981: "Communication in a Mass/Technological Society"
1980: "The Synecdochic Fallacy in a Mass/Technological Society" PDF available

orality; music as communication; sonic association
2004: "Rhetoric and Orality in a Mass-Technological Society"
1989: "Musical Rhetoric: A Practical Demonstration"
1984: "An Overview of Research on the Relationships Between Rhetoric and Music"
1984: "Sonic Association in the Rhetorical Theories of I.A. Richards and Kenneth Burke"
1983: "The Nature and Function of Sound in the Roman Pedagogical Rhetorics of Auctor ad Herennium, Cicero, and Quintilian"
1981: "The Sonic Dimension of Language in the Rhetorical Theories of I.A. Richards and Kenneth Burke"
1981: "The Relationship Between Thought and Sound in Classical Theories of Rhetoric"
1981: "Toward a Rhetoric of Music"
1981: "Meaning, Music, and Human Communication"
1979: "The Place of Popular Music in Contemporary Rhetorical Theory; The Relationship Between Words and Music"
1978-1980: "Music and Meaning - A Quantitative Study" synopsis and PDF available
1978: "The Relationships of Rhetoric, Poetic, and Music in Late Medieval and Renaissance Thought"
1976: "Music as a Rhetorical Form: An Exploratory Study" PDF available (bibliography)
1976: "The Film Composer as Rhetor" synopsis available